Gender Identity Disorder Information

Xtra Stuff

Below are some links to stuff that isn't really scientific at all, so I thought I'd best seperate it from the referenced medical information elsewhere on the site. Some of them were originally part of the Opinions/Editorials section (now removed) and some of the other stuff wasn't clearly indicated as being "unscientific" or "conjecture."

GID vs. BPD - Is Gender Identity Disorder a Borderline Personality Disorder? A brief discussion of the differences in diagnosis for these two oft confused disorders.

GID vs. BDD - Is Gender Identity Disorder a Body Dysmorphic Disorder? A brief discussion of the differences in diagnosis for these two disorders that may initially appear related or similar.

Gender Tests - A page of links to various so-called "Gender Tests," including this site's very own "Sex And Gender Explorer (SAGE) test. There actually is NO psychological test for GID, and none of the tests listed are "scientific." No test can TELL anyone they have a gender disorder and these should be used only for entertainment purposes or at most a means of spurring on your own introspection.

Transgender Population Estimator - This is *supposed* to give a ballpark figure guesstimate of how many trangender people might be present in a given population. It is very unlikely it is correct and the math has never been checked for accuracy. Take the results with a grain of salt.

Intersex Population Estimator - This is *supposed* to give a ballpark figure guesstimate of how many intersexed people might be present in a given population. It is very unlikely it is correct and the math has never been checked for accuracy. Take the results with a grain of salt.

Body Ratio Calculator - A lot of people worry about their sizes without really thinking about their proportions. This calculator is based on some actual scientific stuff, and compares the measurements you enter to the male and female average ranges for RATIOS (not measurements). It also calculates Body Mass Indiex, Body Fat Percentage, Waist-to-Hip Ratio, Bra Size, and Shoe Size. How accurate it is is anybody's guess, but some people have told me they've found it useful so I'm keeping it on the site.