Gender Identity Disorder Information


This section is subdivided as follows:

Surgery for Intersexed People - mostly covering surgical assignments that are performed on intersexed babies, but also some procedures which may be done to adolecents.

Surgery for Transsexual People (Male to Female) - covers a variety of cosmetic and genital procedures often undertaken by M2F transsexual women. Includes lists of surgeons with contact information, where available.

Surgery for Transsexual People (Female to Male) - covers a variety of cosmetic and genital procedures often undertaken by F2M transsexual men. Includes lists of surgeons with contact information, where available.

Disclaimer: This information does not constitute a medical consultation and may be inaccurate. The surgeons or other medical service providers listed have not been contacted nor screened by the author of this site. Inclusion in the list should not be construed as any endorsement or solicitation by those doctors for business. They are provided for informational purposes only. Buyer beware.